Vishal Arora
“ Vishal Arora“
Vishal Arora’s style of singing is unique and his fine blend of classical and contemporary music brings freshness to Punjabi music. Alaps and Taans are the vital aspects of his music. He holds his audience spellbound with his lyrical flow of Punjabi music. Trained extensively in the art of singing under the tutorship of Pandit Parbhakar Kashyap Ji From Banaras Gharana and The Living Legend Wadali Brothers.
Vishal studied M. A. Vocal music and Singing from His Guru Dr. Parbhakar Kashyap Ji From Banaras Gharana.
Humility is their hallmark unlike in the case of many other artists. The Vishal sing in the Gurbani, Kaafi, Thumri, Ghazal and Bhajan genres of music. Vishal live in their ancestral house in Amritsar, and teach music to those who promise to preserve it. They do not charge their disciples, and lead a very simple life devoted to the divine one.
Vishal was able to perceive the significance behind his voice which was different from that of other singers. Encouraged by the interest shown by his listeners, They believe in the Sufi tradition deeply. They consider themselves as a medium through which the preaching of great saints has to be passed on to others. They believe that spiritual heights can only be attained if you sing unreservedly, in a free atmosphere. They are particularly at ease in presenting the verses of Baba Farid Sahib Ji, Baba Bulle Shah Ji, Shah Hussain Ji, Saif-Ul-Maluk Ji, Shiv Kumar Battalvi, besides folk takes associated with Sassi-Punnu, Laila-Majnu, Jugni, Heer-Ranjha, etc. The utterances of Sufi Fakeers like Amir Khusrou and others are fact of their music. Vishal Arora Performed in “Virasat” and attend Cultural Programme in Dubai and Number of Cities In India As Accompanied with the great living legends Wadali Brothers.