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Alma Nicole Boiangiu


Alma Boiangiu is a professional actress and musician based in Bucharest, Romania. She has a BA and MA Degree in Acting from the National University of Theatre and Film of Bucharest (UNATC) as well as a BA and MA Degree in Classical Guitar at the National University of Music in Bucharest (UNMB). 


Her resume up until now includes - Feature films, Short films, Theatre, TV shows, Documentaries, Commercials, and Voice-over.


Speaking fluent English and practicing special skills have helped Alma Boiangiu work alongside brilliant directors and fellow actors from whom she has improved her craft. 


"I am so thankful for having been given the opportunity to take part in such diverse projects, whether it's period drama, TV series, documentary, action films, or working with masters of suspense, each and every one of these collaborations has taught me invaluable lessons.


 Every team has a different dynamic and approach to building up scenes, aspects that made me really excited and happy because I love to connect with people with contrasting points of view and work in diverse environments. 


I strive to meet every director's expectations and communicate smoothly with them in order to render on camera the exact message they want to send to the viewers."


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