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Known for
10 February
Georgia, United States
Edit pageChloe Grace Moretz
Moretz is best known for her work in the sci-fi thriller series The Peripheral, created by Scott B. Smith; the Mattson Tomlin-directed sci-fi thriller Mother/Android; Neil Jordan's thriller Greta; Roseanne Liang's Shadow in the Cloud, which claimed the Midnight Madness People's Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival in 2020.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post, which won both critical acclaim and the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance 2018; Luca Guadagnino's Suspiria, which went on to claim the Independent Spirit Awards' Robert Altman Award after world premiering in Venice; MGM's The Amityville Horror; Marc Webb's 500 Days of Summer; the Kick-Ass franchise.
Matt Reeves' English-language remake of Let Me In; Martin Scorsese's Oscar winner Hugo; Warner Bros' If I Stay and Dark Shadows; Kimberly Peirce's remake of the Stephen King classic Carrie; and Sony's The Equalizer with Denzel Washington. She also executive produced the Snapchat Discover series Coming Out, which premiered in 2021.
Was considered for the role of Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games (2012), which was later taken by Jennifer Lawrence.
Prefers to be called Chloë Grace rather than just Chloë.
Voiced the entire character of Penny in Bolt (2008) before Disney hired Miley Cyrus to do the role.
Managed to fool Martin Scorsese with her faux English accent when she auditioned for Hugo (2011).
Performed on Saturday Night Live Korea--entirely in Korean.