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Mahesh Aney


Mahesh Aney is an Indian cinematographer.


A Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) graduate with a specialization in cinematography, Mahesh Aney has shot more than a thousand commercials including some award-winning films for Pepsi, Kellogg's, Tata Steel, Feviqik, and Maggie noodles. He runs his own production house and has produced more than fifty commercials for brands like Coca-Cola, Vicks, Onida TV, Nivea Cream, Cinthol Soap, and Johnnie Walker Golf.


Renowned for his deft camera work, brilliant eye, and penchant for turning the mundane into the magical on-screen, Aney has also conceptualized and directed extremely popular television shows like Movers & Shakers, Bindaas Bol, Kya Masti Kya Dhoom, and Wajood, which have won several awards. He has worked as a cinematographer on films like God Only Knows!, Tum: A Dangerous Obsession, and the now-classic Swades.


Mahesh Aney is married to Anjali Aney, has two children Aarti and Aditya, and lives in Mumbai.

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