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Philip Rosch


Philip Rosch is a British actor raised in Liverpool. Aged six his family emigrated to beautiful Canada living for five years in Saskatchewan and BC. Back in the UK, Philip trained at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. 


In theatre, he has worked at Shakespeare's Globe and London's Old Vic. However, Philip is primarily known for film and television and especially for playing The Constant in the Hitman video game franchise. 


He also helps actors achieve top drama schools, do stunning self-tapes, and get great agents. Favorite composers include Bach, Handel, and Mozart. 


On the Rock front, Philip's life has been touched by many including the astonishing Bowie, Kate Bush, Jim Steinman, Elton John, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, and, more than anyone the incomparable Mr Mercury himself, Farouk Bulsara, and all of Queen. 


He is a devotee of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma).
