The Flash (season 1)
U/A 13+ 43m Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi 07 Oct, 2014This fast-paced superhero drama follows the high-speed adventures of Barry Allen, an everyday guy with the desire to help others. When an unexpected particle accelerator accident strikes Barry, he finds himself suddenly charged with the incredible power to move at super speeds. While Barry has always been a hero in his soul, his newfound powers have finally given him the ability to act like one.
Top Cast
All Cast & CrewGrant Gustin
Barry Allen, The Flash, The Streak, Savitar, Bartholomew Allen, Dark Flash, Elseworlds Green Arrow, Reverse Flash
Candice Patton
Iris West-Allen, Iris West, Millie Foss
Danielle Panabaker
Caitlin Snow, Killer Frost, Frost, Khione, Caitlin Frost, Snow, Hellfrost
Carlos Valdes
Cisco Ramon, Vibe, Mecha-Vibe, Reverb, Echo, Pablo
Tom Cavanagh
Dr. Harry Wells, Dr. Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne, Sherloque Wells